Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ponderings #25

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your many comments on enjoying Ponderings, it is my pleasure!!
This one is a complete fantasy, or my active imagination or just maybe....
Sit back on this hot day and just enjoy and maybe wonder if.....

A long, long time ago, there was a young girl called Blue. She was an extraordinary little one, she was named Blue because her eyes were as clear and seemed as deep and blue as the waters. She was quiet and seemed to watch over all that happened around her; she was always very happy and joyful, and her smile lighted up and elevated everyone in her area.
Her grandmother dressed her in the most current beautiful silks and brocades: and she rode her fine stately horse like the wind whistling thru the trees.
Blue listened to her tutors as they explained her lessons to her, Latin, spelling, and reading. But she knew all they had to teach her before they spoke.

Because Blue knew everything before it happened.
Her only longing was to meet the other girls and boys whom she knew were like her but who lived over the great mountains in the distance. She knew they were there because she would talk to them and see them thru her dreams at night. 
Her grandmother had told her that she was not her real grandmother but had known her real mother for a short time, and knew she was a miraculous and enchanting women; but not from their village. After a short time, Blue's mothere had to leave the valley because she said she was not doing well with the air that surrounded her and she needed to return to her own home, which was far far away. But she promised to return. But Blue knew she had gone somewhere way up to be with one of the brilliant stars that flicked in the night skies.
Blue had been left with good people who cared for her like she was one of their own.
The other girls and boys that lived over the mountains, all had the same stories to tell. Some were a little older and some a little younger.

Her grandmother confided to Blue one day that her own grandmother had told her a similar story, that she had been left to be raised by a good family after her mother had gone away. And she had heard a tale like this from her own grandmother, this story had been whispered and passed down for generations, for hundreds of years.

Blue, like the other children, knew all before it happened and they watched all like observers, as they did when they went to see the troubadours put on a show.
The actors and lines were all rehearsed and performed as a long play and the end was known before it happened by the actors.
This is how Blue felt, she was part of a play. She and the others thru dreams shared these images and ideas at night.
Blue stayed happy, her life was good, and she didn't know what living anywhere else would be like, since she only remembered living here in the valley.
But she just felt different. Like a bird without a song or a branch to land on.
She knew they all were here to be leaders and way showers and to be the parents of leaders and way showers: And they were on earth to help transform the areas that they inhibited in extraordinary ways.

They had been left to grow up and marry and to have extra special children who would do extra special things that would elevate their valleys which would in time become towns and then, in years, cities.
They were here to also pass on their talents and gifts which were many.
And as Blue grew in extraordinary beauty, she did marry and her children were brilliant beyond the brilliance of their day.
And all the other children followed the same path. Each child resembling the children from the area in which they had been left. One of those gifts her grandmother had told her about, how one could evolve and merge into their surroundings.

Over the hundreds of years, claims where made of great discoveries, and great inventions occurred, great monumental feats developed. And Blue now watching from her very special star, embraced by her own mother, smiled at each evolution.
And the events that Blue and her fellow soul mates knew would happen, happened; And she knew that every so often more babies were and are being left here, to be raised by good people: and they talk to each other at night in their dreams as she had at one time, they are content but still feel different, as she had. But they all have and always had above all other purposes: The purpose to unite all the people. To help the earth evolve, to become what its potential is. and that is the total united unified field of oneness. And it is possible.

This is what Blue, and all the others, knows, because she knows everything before it happens.

We are one, living in perfect harmony.
On this 4th of July,

In this moment, know that oneness is.
What do you know? to be the truth?
What do you know our potential to be?
What do we share that is our gifts to others?
Just Pondering,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC