Dear fellow travelers,
Thank you for all your comments, they help keep me in touch with
what you are thinking and feeling. They a blessing to me.
One of the things in my life I am grateful for is you, which I
have written many times, because its true.
Another thing (s) I am grateful for is my every flowing abundant
life. I am so grateful for all that I have, and all that comes my way. You, and
other people, are so good to me! From comments, experiences and gifts. You
reconfirm to me that it is a reciprocal universe. I give, and I receive more
than I feel I ever give.
That's one thing I have come to realize, is that when I give in
one direction, ( I don't have any expectations of receiving back at all), but
if I were to look for a return from that direction. OPPP's. it may not happen.
But what does happen, is that the abundance always comes, but it may be from a
totally opposition source. I just need to be more aware, say yes, and yes! and
be even more grateful.
Abundance can be in small ways, twice now in the last week, I
was in a line at two different stores and there were discount coupons available
that I didn't have, and yes! both times, the person behind me said "Use
these". How great. Be a grateful receiver, it helps those who give to feel
good also.
I could go on and on about all I have been given, just in the
last several months, of which I am so grateful, but I will just say "Thank
you", And know that we all know how abundant life is.
Well, just look at those trees, they will certainly show us how
abundant their life is when in a few months, all their leaves will be on the
Another lesson is-- don't ever give up on your desires or
dreams! If, held in the mind, as an intent, it does happen.
One thing that just happened to me is; I have a very short
bucket list, because I usually do what I want, when it occurs to me to do it,
but sometimes things may take a little longer.. and for years, I always wanted
to see Barbra Streisand in concert, and she doesn't do many. But I knew I would
see her in concert, somehow, someday.
Well! about 5 months ago, I received an email that she is having
a concert in Brooklyn, NY, the ticket prices were over the top and to get to
Brooklyn, isn't impossible but not great. But I kept her picture and the ad on
my desk.
Two days ago I opened an email, the kind I usually just delete,
that was selling tickets, And she is also going to be have a concert in
Philadelphia WOOO!
How great is that. That's manageable, effortless and
affordable!!! I have my tickets in hand, and its also going to be a birthday to
me! It is an abundant, giving universe. I am so excited.
If this works for me, it works for you also!!!!!
Be grateful, for even the things that don't look great at first,
we never know what may happen as a result.
Everything we have ever done in our lives, has led us to where
we are in this moment. If you don't like where we are, we have choice.
What are you grateful for?
Do you give of yourself and your possessions?
Do you believe it's an abundant world?
Just pondering on gratitude,
Linda Patton RScP ENTC