Friday, December 20, 2013

Ponderings #60

Dear fellow travelers,
  Wow, so many responses to the last Ponderings on "Sayings",  ..thank you
  In this time of the year of  "good cheer", I am asking myself, "What can I do that would bring myself more cheer?"  Please don't misread this..... I am happy, probably the happiest ever,   but there is as,   I move up the ladder of happiness, I realize there is always more....more Peace, more Understanding, more Love  there is always room for more.
Then it came to me...
  With the buried of the miraculous Nelson Mandela...the man who lived for 27 years in a prison and harbored no ill feelings toward his captures and became president of his country...
  The Amish who several years ago took food to the family of a man who had shot several of their children in a one room schoolhouse...
  To the Dalai Lama when asked if he held bad feelings toward the Chinese said, "No, why should I give them my mind as well?"
  and many many more people who are the ultimate to me..forgivers........
   I could choose to really forever, forgive those infraction and situations that I have chosen to hold onto for whatever reason.  I could say I don't have anyone or anything to forgive....but that just isn't so.  It shows up every now and then, as I feel myself bite my tongue, or I go over a situation later.
  As one person I know says.  "If you are still alive,  you still have forgiveness work to do."   We are never thru,  everyday something happens that could push a button or two. and shows us how far we have come and may need to go.....oh yea...we need to still go further..or at least I need to.  and yes, forgiveness work Releases us!! 
   This Releases us to be of good cheer,  great cheer....Forgiveness is a great KEY.
   A gift to myself...Just to LET IT GO..forgive..  whatever it is, how difficult it may seem to be or do,  Is it a memory, something that was live changing..or someone's else's stuff?.
Whatever it was and is,  however painful it was or is...Forgiveness, ever how difficult, is  Freeing,  and we are here to be Free. and live in Peace.
Peace on Earth  thru Forgiveness... 
     This is a gift to ourselves, good cheer,  and ultimately to each other and the world.
   And for those of you going thru personal sad challenges or loses,  You are truly not alone,  Love and light is with you.  wraps you and holds you thru those sad feelings. 
  Just Pondering on good cheer thru forgiveness
  Rev Linda,  ENTC


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ponderings #59

Dear fellow travelers,
  Thank you again and again for your return emails.  I'm so glad you take the time to read my writings.
  Now in this holiday season and the fact that  this week that standard  Sound of Music is being aired on TV:  the song These Are a Few of My Favorite Things, keeps playing thru my head.
  However I would like to share a "few of my favorite sayings:"

     From the Four Agreements
       Be impeccable with my word
       Don't put myself down
       It's about them, their perspective
       Do my best (but that doesn't mean perfect)
       Don't let people live in my head (thoughts) rent free,   forgive them, 
                and move them out.
      The truth as they see it.  (may not be my truth)
       My joy doesn't depend upon the approval of others!!!!!! outside approval -is a no!
       If I believed it was at less possible, what would I do?
       A diagnosis is not a prognosis,  don't deny the facts, just the outcome
       I am not responsible for their existence
       It is not my duty to do everything everyone wants me to do.  what do I want to do?
       It's their stuff-I don't need to buy into it-just be myself.
       Be grateful for all I have,  big and small  really be grateful for everything
                there is always a lesson (s) to be learned.
       I have nothing to do,  I only have to be.
       When I see a virtue in someone else, I have it,  I cant see it, if I don't have it
       What would love do???
       I am never finished, there is always something else to create!  Enjoy the process
       I must realize that the reason I want anything, is to make myself
                     feel a certain way
       When I consider how hard it is to change myself,  I understand what little
            chance I have to change someone else.
       Work with what you have,  and speak with authority.   (M. Beckwith)
       Does what I wish to express,  express more life, more happiness, more peace
            within me,  and harm no one?  Then it is a go
        From the Whisper of the Heart  (modified)----
        Make peace with my past, so it wont screw up my present
        What others think of me is none of my business (cant please everyone
        Time heals almost everything
        Don't compare my life to others, I have no idea what their journey is.
        Stop thinking toooo much, its OK not to know all the answers-- right now
        No one is in charge of my happiness but me.  So let them off the hook!
        Smile, smile, smile....I don't own all the challenges in this great world.      
       And   When looking for happiness- look inside, outside things may feel good
          for a while,  but then they may leave...or change....being  happy is an inside job.

       Just a few of my favorite sayings, I say every once in a while to myself
                  let me know yours.....

       Just Pondering on inspiration to me sayings.

       Rev Linda,   ENTC


Ponderings #58

Dear fellow travelers,
  Again I received this really great worthwhile watching.
We are going away for a few days and this arrived just to time for me to send it on to you.   Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Of course I think its great...or I wouldn't have sent it to you.  Its all about life..our lives and choice.

click on....

         Just Pondering on Choice

         Rev Linda,  ENTC


Ponderings #57

Dear fellow travelers,
  What a beautiful fall day here in the northeast!  and a great true story arrived in my email box this morning.  I found it very moving and thought provoking. 
Yes, there is much in this phenomena universe that we can always be amazed and in awe about...  enjoy....and let me know if you choose to what you ponder....

                        THE ELEPHANT'S JOURNEY TO PAY RESPECT.

Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and Author of 3 books including the bestseller, The Elephant Whisperer 

He bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated Elephants all over the Globe from 'human' atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo Animals during the US invasion in 2003.

On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony 
He is remembered and missed by his Wife, 2 Sons, 2 Grandsons, and numerous Elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild Elephants showed up at his home led by two large 'matriarchs' Separate wild Herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved 'Man-Friend'. A total of 31 Elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.  

Witnessing this spectacle, People  were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these Elephants sensed about Lawrence's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved Animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly, for days, making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house.

 Lawrence's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the Elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years!  But yet they knew where they were going. The Elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their Friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days and 2 nights without eating anything. Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home. 

       Just Pondering on this amazing world

        Rev Linda Patton,  ENTC


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ponderings #55

Dear fellow travelers,
  Thank you all for your wonderful comments.
When I started for a brief time writing Ponderings ten years ago,  it was to me rather innovative.  But since then there has been an explosion of new spiritual writers and  and of course the very creative and inspirited icon writers.   I receive daily over face book and by email many ,many wonderful inspirational messages,  so for you to continue to read mind, to me is awesome!! 
  Someone asked me a year ago, "How do you find Peace?"  Well, Peace we don't need to find,  we just need to be quiet, go within and reveal it.  Because our true nature is Peace.  as well as Joy and Love  and many other qualities that are innate.

 However,  there is a small watercolor picture on my desk, that I was given from a friend that belonged to her mother.  It is of a serene farm scene, with a barn and silo in the background.  For some reason, it seems quiet and represents to me a peaceful place,  and I can imagine the people working on the farm.
 I felt an extreme amount of Peace this summer ,when I was on an art outing at a small old family farm, when I was talking to the women who still owned the farm.  She was in her late 80's.  Her house didn't look modern or up to date in any fashion. It had been added onto several times,  the floors were different elevations,  the sink was  the old and chipped porcelain or older times,  with corn laying on the side of it.  However,the house was worn with Love, and she radiated this warmth! and spoke in a soft calm voice with  much love for her home and its memories.  She was Peace and at Peace, content and it embraced me.

  Sometimes those qualities we ask for are right in front of us and in us but we may miss referenced in an email I received last week....
  A man whispered,  "God, speak to me".  and a mockingbird sang.
 but he didn't listen.  and the man yelled again,  "God, speak to me!"  and thunder rolled across the sky.  But he did not listen.
 The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you!", and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds,  but the man did not pay attention.
The man shouted, " Show me a miracle!" and a baby was born.  But he did not notice.
And the man cried out "Touch me God, and let me know you are here!"
A butterfly landed on the man's arm, and he brushed it away, and walked on.
The man hollowed, "God, I need your help!!" and a person walked past him and smiled,  and the man walked on in despair. 
 We are blessed in every moment,  we just need to notice, listen, and see.
Everything is a blessing!  We just need to believe!!  and when we don't believe because some things are difficult to ever imagine them as blessings,  we need to believe even more, because  there is one, if not more than one, such as a lesson to learn, a movement to start,  an inner awareness to bring to the forefront. A higher cause ,    Something is a blessing.....we just need to believe.

How do you find Peace?   What is a blessing to you that you never in a million years would at the time had ever thought it could be?

Just Pondering on Peace and Blessings

Rev Linda Patton  ENTC

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ponderings #56

Dear fellow travelers,
  What a treasure you are to me.  Thank you for being you!!
   Lately I have been feeling a little overwhelmed,  my plate runneth over--filled.
And then a friend said,  "It's choice!!"   But I have to do such and such!!!
But then do I really!!  Is there another way to do it, or could I rearrange whatever the schedule is,  could I eliminate something,  do it another way??  break the routine that gets a little too routine at times.....
  "WANT TO"  is a better, more comfortable reason to do something, than "HAVE TO"
I have been focusing on "Choice".  I have actually eliminated a few things and feel I am more in the flow.  I am functioning from the "Want to" shift of thought lately and it really does feel better.
  But you may be saying--I HAVE to work.....I HAVE to.... whatever it is...
  But wouldn't it feel better to shift the thinking to I Want to ....whatever it is...
It's not being a Victim of circumstances...Its Being and becomes... A Winner...
I Want empowering....
Its works for me...
Choice....choose wisely...
Just pondering on WANT
Rev  Linda Patton  ENTC


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ponderings #54

Dear fellow travelers,

  Thank you for all your comments on my last Pondering,  it did bring back many memories for me....then the question arose....what do I write for the next Pondering? and then life happens as it always does,    and I again became inspired.

  Life for most of us goes on for a long, long time without any bumps,  and for me I sometimes take all the routine,  this good,  for granted.  The Ill call her tomorrow..Ill do this or that tomorrow..the ho hum...tomorrow option.
  Then the bump happens...and the things to do tomorrow don't happen because what just happened takes priority for a while,  sometimes a long while.
  This was the case for my telephone confident I have, this last Monday. 
A beautiful day,  a work day for her.....then the day went upside down for her and many others.  She works in the Naval Building where the tragic shootings happened.
  Another friend had her week planned out and she in an instant fell and her foot is in a boot for a few weeks...her plans changed in an instant. 
  I know this list could go on and on....
  This isn't to set up that feeling or word of fear...just the opposite..I am writing this for myself, and for you also if you want to join enjoy and love all the routine NOW moments,  live in the beautiful  NOW.  and do the things NOW that I know I said I would do tomorrow.
 Call that person and email that note.   Forgive that perceived personal really in the world of events doesn't usually mean anything.  Probably wont even be remembered five years from now, or even get my meaning. 
 I know some things may have happened to you or in your life that  may be or are  really, really difficult to resolve,  but for your life to move on in an upward joyful spiral,  moving onward and upward, not remaining stuck,   is the best option I know.
You may be saying,  "She doesn't have any idea what has happened to me. this or that happened and I cant get over it".  and yes, I don't know what has happened to you,  and for that I don't for an instant mean to minimize what may have happened.
  I just know that living life to its fullest and revealing that innate goodness within you is what is important.  Being joyful is what is important.  and that is my greatest wish for you,  to be joyful and love life--  your own life. 
    Loving and living life is what is important,  not holding grudges or anger or one of my friends always says....Get over it....I say-  Let Go and Let God.
What ever works.... work it.   I say. 
    The world really is beautiful!   When I focus on the bird at the feeder, or my little dog smuggled up on the bed and the beautiful full moon and then the sunlight peeking through the tree leaves...and many other moments,   it is beautiful!  
   All the other not so happy  happenings , are calls for prayer.  For lessons to be learned. The focus for me most of the time after what happened, is how did I react.?
Did I react with Anger or Love?  Fear or Faith?  Resentment or Forgiveness ?
We have choice...choose wisely.  
   Every life has its valleys,  just don't set up camp,  keep on walking thru the valley, be brave, have faith,  and the hill upward appears. Honest,   
Breath, and love, and learn.     and  yes,   Smile.....This is that NOW  moment.
There is something,  more than one something of good to focus on.
For all those living in a moment calling for prayer.  You are in prayer.
You are loved, supported and cared about.

And some words from that wonderful wise women   Maya Angelou... 

In April, Maya Angelou  was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday.  Oprah asked her what she thought of growing  older.

Maya Angelou  said this:
'I've learned that no matter what  happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go  on, and it will be better tomorrow.' 

'I've learned that you can tell a lot  about a person by the way he/she handles these  three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and  tangled Christmas tree lights.'

'I've  learned that regardless of your relationship  with your parents, you'll miss them when they're  gone from your life.'

'I've learned that  making a 'living' is not the same thing as  making a life.'

'I've learned that life  sometimes gives you a second chance.' 

'I've learned that you shouldn't go  through life with a catcher's mitt on both  hands; you need to be able to throw some things  back...'

'I've learned that whenever I  decide something with an open heart, I usually  make the right decision.'

'I've learned  that even when I have pains, I don't have to be  one.'

'I've learned that every day you  should reach out and touch someone. People love  a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the  back....'

'I've learned that I still  have a lot to learn..'

'I've learned  that people will forget what you said, people  will forget what you did, but people will never  forget how you made them feel.'

What are you doing in this Now moment??

Just Pondering on the Now moment

Rev Linda Patton,  ENTC

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ponderings #53

Dear fellow travelers,
  This is another nostalgic pondering, so triggered by an article I received which I have included at the end.
  This refers back to the time when the old telephones were used.  When you actually dialed a number, not pushed a button.  I worked in management during that time for the local telephone company and we were assigned duty positions to cover during strikes.  I was assigned to "Information".  This is when operators were women only;  before male operators, 911, automation and obviously the Internet.
  The "Information" voice was the "go to person" who knew everything.
  The first time I had strike duty with only five minutes of training, I was lead to my stall, where a large telephone directory was located  and frequently requested calls were posted on the wall,  then given a headset--and I was on duty.
 I remember my very first call--
"I want "the Chickens"? I don't go to work today."
Say  "WHAT"???  no chickens listed,  but then  my spelling is still not the greatest. 
"The Chickens"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  he kept repeating!!
My friend who had been on duty a few hours longer, heard me and began pounding on the glass partition.  She was hollering the name of a company downstate, a big chicken plant.   Well--  one down.

  The calls kept coming, everything from what was the weather, to fires, car accidents, and then when I thought two hours had passed,  it had only been ten minutes.
I couldn't find the numbers,  my neck was in a knot.  but some callers did actually ask for telephone numbers but I still couldn't find them easily.

 I do remember a women calling who didn't want to live any longer,  and I walked her thru her finding her own telephone book,  giving me her doctors name and number, and then hers. and then I took a break,  which were strictly regulated.  and I called her doctor. (this was not the normal procedure, but then I was not a regular operator.)

  We worked 12 hour shifts,  for however long the strike lasted, usually three weeks or so.  I remember praying the regular "Information operators" got every penny they were asking for,  if not more.
  Time moves on and..
  Now we have male operators.  DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE (not Information)  and automation, 911 for emergencies,  and the Internet for the weather,   but to me I must admit I do miss the voice of the women who knew everything,  except when they were on strike......
   Here is the promised inspiration from the other side of the line.  from a grateful caller.

When I was a young boy, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood.. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the Wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it.

Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was "Information Please" and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's
Number and the correct time.

My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer, the pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.

I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear.

"Information, please" I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.
A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. 


"I hurt my finger..." I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience.
"Isn't your mother home?" came the question.
"Nobody's home but me," I blubbered.
"Are you bleeding?" the voice asked.
No,"I replied. "I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts."
"Can you open the icebox?" she asked.
I said I could.
"Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice..

After that, I called "Information Please" for everything.. I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math.
She told me my pet chipmunk that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.
Then, there was the time Pete, our pet canary, died. I called,

Information Please," and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, "Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?"

She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, " Wayne , always remember that there are other worlds to sing in."
Somehow I felt better.

Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle . I had about a half-hour or so between between planes. I spent 15
Minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown
Operator and said, "Information Please."

Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well.

I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying,

I  hurt my finger a long time ago.
There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, "I guess your finger must have healed by now."

I laughed, "So it's really you," I said. "I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?"
I wonder," she said, "if you know how much your call meant to me.
I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls."

I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister.
"Please do", she said. "Just ask for Sally.

Three months later I was back in Seattle . A different voice answered,
I asked for Sally.
"Are you a friend?" she said.
"Yes, a very old friend," I answered.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this,"She
said. "Sally had been working part time the last few years because she was sick. She died
five weeks ago."

Before I could hang up, she said, "
Wait a minute, did you
say your name was Wayne ?"
Yes." I answered.

Well, Sally left a message for you.
She wrote it down in case you called.
Let me read it to you."
The note said,

"Tell him there are other worlds to sing in.
He'll know what I mean."
I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

Have you listened to anyone today?

Just Pondering on helpfulness
     Rev  Linda Patton,   ENTC

Ponderings #52

Dear fellow travelers,
  My last Pondering for me  brought back many  memories of where life was and projecting it forward,  what history has taken place over the years since I was born.   I should probably write "around me",  because that Pondering ties in with this current one through the movie "The Butler" that I just saw-(-a must see, if not twice).  It brought back more memories of those time periods which I lived through, as you may have. 
    Memories for me of  the civil rights movements, which were incorporated in the film through  the older son, a fictitious character added to intertwine the segregation and civil rights movements that were portrayed  during the film.  Also I just watched "42" the Jackie Robinson movie.  Wow--  a double whammy.
  I lived in Texas for a few years in the late 40's, and at a young age, I can still  remember going to the football games with my family, sitting in the grandstands, and hearing the obscenities being hollowed at the black football players and band members.  I remember cringing, and wondering how these people could be so nasty and mean,  they didn't even know those people, not that that should make a difference.   And I still wonder how so much meanest could have come from those people.
  I am really grateful that my family was not racially prejudice,  I didn't grow up in that type of home environment . and those attitudes were and are foreign to me  But obviously that wasn't and hopefully still isn't the same for other households.
  My regret is that I didn't do anything to help with the integration or civil rights movements when they were at their prime.  I so admire the people who did.  I  honor all the people who made those changes happen!!
  When I think of that particular time period,  I was a single mom, with the "woman" in the work place challenge.  Getting a credit card in my name was a challenge, then a mortgage for a house in my name, using only my salary was a challenge, but I did it, and then moving thru the glass ceiling happened with the EEOC.  But that wasn't life of death, just higher wages, and  better jobs in a male dominated society. 

  We have come far as a country--obviously-- a black president, one of the richest in all ways black women,  many black company presidents, and intermarriage isn't a taboo or illegal any more.  To me,  all good,  in all ways.

 Moving in a different direction but another current upward movement is the "same sex" marriage law.

 But where else do we need to travel??  what am I not seeing??
  What else needs to be changed??  Where is our consciousness??
  Change does happen--sometimes at a much higher cost than necessary.
  What price am I willing to pay??

   Just Pondering on change and history and attitudes

   Rev  Linda Patton,   ENTC