Monday, December 17, 2012

Ponderings #34

Dear fellow travelers,

Today is a beautiful day! Trust you are taking advantage of it. Maybe a walk or just to be or to do something wonderful outside.

It was just a few short weeks ago that we all hopefully enjoyed a great Thanksgiving and now in just a few short weeks it is the holiday season of the Festival of lights and of Joy and Peace.

The old saying of make a list of what you want to the little kids was and still is popular but what if we as big people changed that from want to what can I give?

What does that list look like?

For me

I give more in service

I give more to LISTEN

I give more to be with family and friends

I give more to assist others

I give more to my talents

I give more to learn something new everyday

I give more to exercise

I give more to call someone I haven't talked to lately

I give myself to step up

I give myself more to meditate

I give up judging

I give love and gratitude

I make healthy and good decisions

I JUST MAKE TIME and not excuses!

WO W this sounds like New Years resolutions!!

But just think what it would be like if I really did all, everydaythru the year!

If we all did what we made a list to do everyday!!!

What does your list read?

Joy and Peace!! is ours.

Just pondering on gifts to give

Linda Patton RScP ENTC

Ponderings #35

Dear fellow travelers,

I'm glad I know you, and you are a blessing to me.

I had the privilege of hearing a concert last night and one of the songs that was sung, is my sentiments to you. (with just a little paraphrasing and editing)

"I wish you starlight on fields of snow,

The winter's morning light and evening's glow:

I wish you candles that shine from ev'ry tree,

So all the world can see the light that you shine and the light that can be

I wish you music, I wish you song,

With happy voices echoing, joyous and strong;

I wish you a happy holiday season,

A season to be remembered all thru the year.

Old friends smiling and new friends abounding

Spirits are bright, and hopes are high.

I wish you loved ones around you all year.

May this season bring you all your heart desire and anew.

I wish you blessings, I wish you love.

I wish you laughter, I wish you happiness and cheer

I wish you a happy season,

and may it be joy and peace and continue all year.

I wish you harmony your whole life long

The warmth of good memories that long remain

I wish you the best for all and thru the new year

And may you be blessed beyond

til we talk again.

Wishing you happiness

Linda Patton RScP ENTC

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ponderings #33

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for being you and
Welcome to a new day!
The morning after...........................the election that is!!!
What a winning strategy the winning party had!!
Listening to one strategists, she said, "If a young person votes for the
same party twice they are set for the rest of their lives"
Well, also a quote.....There are lies, damn lies and statistics!!
As for me I did change political affiliations somewhere along my way, I
have changed husbands, houses and careers.
What I don't want to change are my family, my long term friends. And as
my good qualities, (we all have them) I want to enhance them more. And
yes,change the ones that aren't serving me now.

But our country or what I see of as our country is that it is changing, to
me for the better,
Not too long ago, I remember someone of one Christian faith wasn't to
date someone of another....let alone marry out of the faith.
Gays and there preferences were hidden away.
Women were not to work, or just be secretaries, teachers or nurses, a
few did manage to walk their own path in others levels.
Most blacks were also not to work above a certain level.
And when a Catholic was running for president, it was feared the Pope
would run the country......

And now the lines are more blurred..A good thing to me.
Four more years of a Black president,
Not only are religious and interracial marriages happening, but gays are
in most states allowed civil unions!!!! Women are CEO's and world
leaders!! Who would have thought even 30 years ago.

Change does happen. We are becoming a more harmonious, oneness society,
a society willing to accept difference. See beyond the form!
A society which is willing to change attitudes and willing to grow to the
oneness I think we all are.. for me, a good thing. A really great thing...
We are really an example for the world.

Its a brand new day. I choose to live it, not exist in it, learn
something I haven't known before and Yes, maybe even change another opinion.

What have you changed?
What are you willing to change?

Just Pondering on change

Linda Patton RScP ENTC

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ponderings #32

Dear fellow travelers,

Thanks again for being who you are!!

In all honesty I had had two yin and yang weeks. A lot of good (then everything is good, when we look closely at it) and then those challenges.

It seemed like I had information coming from many directions that I allowed to upset me and take me off my center.

I had to go back to most of my tools that I had learned over the years to really be able "to change my thoughts", to get back to the peace and calm that I aspire to.

I wrote gratitude lists of the wonders around me and the wonderful experiences I had had over the same time period. That really helped. There was so much to be grateful for!!!

The things I observed about me during those last few weeks, is that I allowed myself to be abrupt, and agitated with other people. Not a good thing for me to do.

Then I remembered, something we all know, that when other people are acting and being in the same way, maybe not as kind as we would like them to be, and they are allowing themselves not to have a great day; then this is when I need to be kinder to them instead of letting them push my buttons-- they may need more kindness not less.

This is an opportunity for me to show caring, no one really knows what is going on behind the masks we sometimes allow ourselves to wear.

I also allowed myself to find out, that when I really was letting my humanness come forth in not great ways, my good friends loved me anyway. Wow, imagine that!!

And guess what, hills do follow valleys!!!

I just needed to turn all my not so great imaginations and thoughts over to the"higher power", get myself out of the way, and to center on peace again.

Fall is beautiful, people are beautiful, we all are beautiful, even when we allow and maybe because we allow, our flaws to come forth to be looked at and changed.

We are all in process, never ending evolution, and its all good. I just always need to remember that and focus on the good.

Just Pondering on being human

Linda Patton RScP ENTC


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ponderings #31

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for reading and responding to my Ponderings. You are the blessing.

Today with a few people the topic came up about retiring, a new life. Now I know you are not old enough to consider such an option but many years ago, I also "never" was going to retire, that word "never" again. I would work until they carried me out! How's that for a proclamation?

Then as fate had it, one weekend I went to an ashram, with no agenda. We arrived very late on a Friday night, the next day I was totally disoriented, I was exhausted, hungry, lost and alone. The other attendees were at an intensive.

I finally found the main center and a meditation cave, very, very dark. I slumbered around a bit and found a spot on the floor and stared into the candle on the altar.

After a while, I heard a voice, inside me say,

"Who are you without your job?"

This really rocked me. "What? and who was I?"

I left the cave totally shakened and walked around the grounds the rest of the day emotionally depleted.--- I was my job, I always identified with my job. After all I forged ahead during the EEOC in an man's environment, I was a trail blazer!! I was......

Who was I?.........................Who would I be without my title, without my job?...........

After much purging and the rest of the weekend to process.................................

On Monday I went into the office and resigned. Much to everyone's shock.

But I was Clear.

Fast forward...I have survived, actually thrived. I do have a life, which has manifested in several areas. I haven't looked back except to be grateful for the great skill training I had been given.

Now when someone asks you "What do you do?" What do you say?

What is your identity? and who are you?? You may be very surprised at to who you really are.

I was surprised, and I still am because I am always evolving. I still am discovering other avenues to explore. That's life for me, always ready and to learn something new. And to serve, even if thru the tiny titbits I have gleamed along my way.

Just Pondering on identity.

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ponderings #30

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your Wow responses to my last Ponderings. And the Wow is when I wrote to the MIA POW organization and they responded within hours!! this was concerning the Vietnam bracelet I have had for 40 years, however, they stated that Maj Gregg's remains had been identified five years ago. I hope that knowledge brought some closer for his friends and family. I felt sad , just by having a bracelet with his name on it, I felt some connection to him.

It was a miracle that his remains had been located.

Miracles I know happen every moment, I just have to be open to experience them.

But what if a miracle takes much longer than a moment or even a year or several years to manifest? Would I give up?

I just wrote a paper for a course I am taking and while I was writing a statement I already knew, I didn't really get the enormity of it until I wrote the sentence:

Israel became a nation in 1948.

Wow!!!!!!! What a hugh happening, what a miracle!!!!

The Jews begin Rosh Hashanah tonight, the beginning of their High Holy days.

And the Jews biblically are considered to be God's chosen people, not because they are given anything "free" but because they are willing to endure all that is require of them to keep their biblical covenant with God.

When I want something, I admit, I'm not real good at being patient, waiting is not my natural tendency.

But the Jews did wait, for approximately 2000 years they held in their consciousness' that they wanted their land back, their own country. They had been dispersed over the entire planet for thousands of years and had suffered unspeakable atrocities. But the "coming home" never left their vision. After their Yon Kipper services they say from tradition, "Next year in Jerusalem!"

And, Yes, after the worst of the suffering:

Israel became a nation in 1948.

The Jews could return to Palestine.

How powerful is that. They never gave up- hope and vision!!

How in God's time, not my time, their vision became a reality.

I wonder what would it be, that I would desire so clearly and with such determination, that I would hold onto a vision thru a hundred generations, suffer unspeakable tragedies and still see the vision as a probability?

Imagine beginning a vision now in 2012 and having it manifest in 4012 ???

I cant honestly wrap my mind around that concept!

Ah yes, miracles still happen. In every moment,

and then some do take longer. some much longer!

What do you vision?

How long are you willing to wait?

Are you willing to give up something for it to happen? What?

Just Pondering on miracles,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ponderinga #29

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for all your comments, they help keep me in touch with what you are thinking and feeling. They a blessing to me.

One of the things in my life I am grateful for is you, which I have written many times, because its true.

Another thing (s) I am grateful for is my every flowing abundant life. I am so grateful for all that I have, and all that comes my way. You, and other people, are so good to me! From comments, experiences and gifts. You reconfirm to me that it is a reciprocal universe. I give, and I receive more than I feel I ever give.

That's one thing I have come to realize, is that when I give in one direction, ( I don't have any expectations of receiving back at all), but if I were to look for a return from that direction. OPPP's. it may not happen. But what does happen, is that the abundance always comes, but it may be from a totally opposition source. I just need to be more aware, say yes, and yes! and be even more grateful.

Abundance can be in small ways, twice now in the last week, I was in a line at two different stores and there were discount coupons available that I didn't have, and yes! both times, the person behind me said "Use these". How great. Be a grateful receiver, it helps those who give to feel good also.

I could go on and on about all I have been given, just in the last several months, of which I am so grateful, but I will just say "Thank you", And know that we all know how abundant life is.

Well, just look at those trees, they will certainly show us how abundant their life is when in a few months, all their leaves will be on the ground!!!

Another lesson is-- don't ever give up on your desires or dreams! If, held in the mind, as an intent, it does happen.

One thing that just happened to me is; I have a very short bucket list, because I usually do what I want, when it occurs to me to do it, but sometimes things may take a little longer.. and for years, I always wanted to see Barbra Streisand in concert, and she doesn't do many. But I knew I would see her in concert, somehow, someday.

Well! about 5 months ago, I received an email that she is having a concert in Brooklyn, NY, the ticket prices were over the top and to get to Brooklyn, isn't impossible but not great. But I kept her picture and the ad on my desk.

Two days ago I opened an email, the kind I usually just delete, that was selling tickets, And she is also going to be have a concert in Philadelphia WOOO!

How great is that. That's manageable, effortless and affordable!!! I have my tickets in hand, and its also going to be a birthday to me! It is an abundant, giving universe. I am so excited.

If this works for me, it works for you also!!!!!

Be grateful, for even the things that don't look great at first, we never know what may happen as a result.

Everything we have ever done in our lives, has led us to where we are in this moment. If you don't like where we are, we have choice.

What are you grateful for?

Do you give of yourself and your possessions?

Do you believe it's an abundant world?

Just pondering on gratitude,

Linda Patton RScP ENTC



Ponderings #28

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for all your comments, they help keep me in touch with what you are thinking and feeling. They a blessing to me.

One of the things in my life I am grateful for is you, which I have written many times, because its true.

Another thing (s) I am grateful for is my every flowing abundant life. I am so grateful for all that I have, and all that comes my way. You, and other people, are so good to me! From comments, experiences and gifts. You reconfirm to me that it is a reciprocal universe. I give, and I receive more than I feel I ever give.

That's one thing I have come to realize, is that when I give in one direction, ( I don't have any expectations of receiving back at all), but if I were to look for a return from that direction. OPPP's. it may not happen. But what does happen, is that the abundance always comes, but it may be from a totally opposition source. I just need to be more aware, say yes, and yes! and be even more grateful.

Abundance can be in small ways, twice now in the last week, I was in a line at two different stores and there were discount coupons available that I didn't have, and yes! both times, the person behind me said "Use these". How great. Be a grateful receiver, it helps those who give to feel good also.

I could go on and on about all I have been given, just in the last several months, of which I am so grateful, but I will just say "Thank you", And know that we all know how abundant life is.

Well, just look at those trees, they will certainly show us how abundant their life is when in a few months, all their leaves will be on the ground!!!

Another lesson is-- don't ever give up on your desires or dreams! If, held in the mind, as an intent, it does happen.

One thing that just happened to me is; I have a very short bucket list, because I usually do what I want, when it occurs to me to do it, but sometimes things may take a little longer.. and for years, I always wanted to see Barbra Streisand in concert, and she doesn't do many. But I knew I would see her in concert, somehow, someday.

Well! about 5 months ago, I received an email that she is having a concert in Brooklyn, NY, the ticket prices were over the top and to get to Brooklyn, isn't impossible but not great. But I kept her picture and the ad on my desk.

Two days ago I opened an email, the kind I usually just delete, that was selling tickets, And she is also going to be have a concert in Philadelphia WOOO!

How great is that. That's manageable, effortless and affordable!!! I have my tickets in hand, and its also going to be a birthday to me! It is an abundant, giving universe. I am so excited.

If this works for me, it works for you also!!!!!

Be grateful, for even the things that don't look great at first, we never know what may happen as a result.

Everything we have ever done in our lives, has led us to where we are in this moment. If you don't like where we are, we have choice.

What are you grateful for?

Do you give of yourself and your possessions?

Do you believe it's an abundant world?

Just pondering on gratitude,

Linda Patton RScP ENTC



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ponderings #26

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you, you are my constant inspiration. The reason I continue to write.

I have had a wonderful week, filled with great events, family and friends.


I know from what I have heard and read, that some of you are in the midst of really difficult challenges. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please know that you are supported in a multitude of ways you may never know exist or could ever imagine.

A wonderful event we went to this past weekend began thru my eyes from a concept coined by Barbara Marx Hubbard. It is called an "Evolutionary Driver", Simple stated: situations can go on status quo for a long time, comfortable, reliable, and then something happens and actually stops the day to day routine and commands action to manifest change.

This is a good thing, after the initial chaos, of what the driver may have created, is back to order.

The event was a most beautiful "Civil Union" ceremony . The one fantastic lady is someone who paints with us. She has had a dynamic partner for 17 years.

The evolutionary driver was that an institution refused to pay a rather large bill unless it had proof that they were indeed in a "Civil Union".

Thus this beautiful, sophisticated ceremony unfolded. Both women are Parrot lovers and spend many of their vacations along the Amazon and other unique areas helping wildlife.

So.. no wonder the ceremony had a tropical theme and the setting was in a beautiful contemporary home surrounded by what one could imagine as a rain forest.

Hawaiian orchid leis had been flown in from Maui for each guest and Bird of Paradise flowers filled the vases. It was really lovely. And I feel so grateful for having been invited.

Good happens, just believe!!!

Is there something you feel you haven't done and long to do?

Is this the time?

Just pondering on choices and change.

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Ponderings #27

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for all your sharing, you are a blessing to me.

I hear of and from so many- of the challenges, well! hardships you are dealing with, and to be honest, I really don't know what to say--except I support you, and I am so sorry.

Some times I feel I am not empathically enough, or I say an inappropriate statement, and I later beat myself up for saying something that I don't feel was too supportive or sensitive enough.

I don't have the answers to the WHY one person has this happen or that person something else. My religious beliefs have some good solutions and answers, and I believe in almost all situations they  work and are true, but I know you may not believe that; and sometimes its not what you want to hear at the moment, and sometimes I don't blame you one bit--life can seem to be too much to bear at times. It feels like there is no relief in sight. and for some situations, no easy fixes or answers, no perfect answers to the Why question. Why this one has health challenges, and this one financial, or this one family challenges or all the above.  I dont know.

  I, as someone who has had many obstacles or so called challenges from time to time, and even though, I didn't see a light at the end, did manage to survive and thrive.

Even though, I never have experienced some of your challenges (and honestly I don't really want to, because I do think about you and your issues, and say  ( "Wow, how is she or he dealing or doing that".)

As I have said, I have had my own, to me intolerable or challenging situations. And a long time ago, when I didn't think my life would be any different than it was, a gal told me "Don't ever give up on your dreams". I thought she was being really ridiculous or a little nuts. I couldn't see pass the present situation to my possible unknown to me at the time, future.

However, many years later, at this moment, my life is great, I don't have any real wants, except for you to have your dreams fulfilled.

And to be honest, I hesitant saying my life is great, because of the stories I hear. Why should my life be great, when so many of yours aren't?

But then that's my challenge, to live my great life, which is now, and still be in a place of empathy to support you. And since I always say life is hills and valleys, and I'm on a hill now, trusting it will last forever! It could go into a valley, but I wont allow myself to mentally go there. I'm just going to love the hill.

But, I care about you, I support you, and if I ever say anything that doesn't reflect that in words or actions. Please let me know-that would keep our friendship alive, which is one thing  I care about, along with supporting you in some way: and it would help me to grow.

Please also know, as the gal told me years ago and I didn't believe her, "Don't give up on your dreams," and today is a brand new. never lived before day. So keep those desires, hopes and dreams alive....

Please let me know if I can support you, I can also do what I am trained to do and that is to do prayer work with you and for you, and to know the Truth about you. You are powerful, beautiful, and wonderful. and I care about and love you. You can always call me also 302-239-6080.

Just pondering on my growth.

Linda Patton RScP ENTC

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ponderings #25

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your many comments on enjoying Ponderings, it is my pleasure!!
This one is a complete fantasy, or my active imagination or just maybe....
Sit back on this hot day and just enjoy and maybe wonder if.....

A long, long time ago, there was a young girl called Blue. She was an extraordinary little one, she was named Blue because her eyes were as clear and seemed as deep and blue as the waters. She was quiet and seemed to watch over all that happened around her; she was always very happy and joyful, and her smile lighted up and elevated everyone in her area.
Her grandmother dressed her in the most current beautiful silks and brocades: and she rode her fine stately horse like the wind whistling thru the trees.
Blue listened to her tutors as they explained her lessons to her, Latin, spelling, and reading. But she knew all they had to teach her before they spoke.

Because Blue knew everything before it happened.
Her only longing was to meet the other girls and boys whom she knew were like her but who lived over the great mountains in the distance. She knew they were there because she would talk to them and see them thru her dreams at night. 
Her grandmother had told her that she was not her real grandmother but had known her real mother for a short time, and knew she was a miraculous and enchanting women; but not from their village. After a short time, Blue's mothere had to leave the valley because she said she was not doing well with the air that surrounded her and she needed to return to her own home, which was far far away. But she promised to return. But Blue knew she had gone somewhere way up to be with one of the brilliant stars that flicked in the night skies.
Blue had been left with good people who cared for her like she was one of their own.
The other girls and boys that lived over the mountains, all had the same stories to tell. Some were a little older and some a little younger.

Her grandmother confided to Blue one day that her own grandmother had told her a similar story, that she had been left to be raised by a good family after her mother had gone away. And she had heard a tale like this from her own grandmother, this story had been whispered and passed down for generations, for hundreds of years.

Blue, like the other children, knew all before it happened and they watched all like observers, as they did when they went to see the troubadours put on a show.
The actors and lines were all rehearsed and performed as a long play and the end was known before it happened by the actors.
This is how Blue felt, she was part of a play. She and the others thru dreams shared these images and ideas at night.
Blue stayed happy, her life was good, and she didn't know what living anywhere else would be like, since she only remembered living here in the valley.
But she just felt different. Like a bird without a song or a branch to land on.
She knew they all were here to be leaders and way showers and to be the parents of leaders and way showers: And they were on earth to help transform the areas that they inhibited in extraordinary ways.

They had been left to grow up and marry and to have extra special children who would do extra special things that would elevate their valleys which would in time become towns and then, in years, cities.
They were here to also pass on their talents and gifts which were many.
And as Blue grew in extraordinary beauty, she did marry and her children were brilliant beyond the brilliance of their day.
And all the other children followed the same path. Each child resembling the children from the area in which they had been left. One of those gifts her grandmother had told her about, how one could evolve and merge into their surroundings.

Over the hundreds of years, claims where made of great discoveries, and great inventions occurred, great monumental feats developed. And Blue now watching from her very special star, embraced by her own mother, smiled at each evolution.
And the events that Blue and her fellow soul mates knew would happen, happened; And she knew that every so often more babies were and are being left here, to be raised by good people: and they talk to each other at night in their dreams as she had at one time, they are content but still feel different, as she had. But they all have and always had above all other purposes: The purpose to unite all the people. To help the earth evolve, to become what its potential is. and that is the total united unified field of oneness. And it is possible.

This is what Blue, and all the others, knows, because she knows everything before it happens.

We are one, living in perfect harmony.
On this 4th of July,

In this moment, know that oneness is.
What do you know? to be the truth?
What do you know our potential to be?
What do we share that is our gifts to others?
Just Pondering,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ponderings #24

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your constant support.

We have just returned from our trip to Cape Cod. It was a wonderful time.

Beautiful quaint towns and friendly people. Magnificently landscaped small Cape Cod shingled houses, much wild life, cascades of flowers, and water, water everywhere.

I have been fortunate to have traveled to many places by plane and ship and experienced all that goes with long distance travel. (the down side is the jet lag and luggage checks), But I have also seen many spectacular places and different cultures.

But when I really think about it, there is so much to see in my own backyard.

I always find it interesting that many people don't seem to visit the museums or areas of interest in their own towns, but will go great distances to visit other sites, me included. I guess the saying "the grass is greener on the other side" is true in this situation also.

When I studied the "Artist Way", one of the assignments was to once a week do something I hadn't done before. If this was only going into a different store or eating at a different restaurant.

Expand my horizons. See and do something  different. Get out of the same old routine-- Expand.

I know when I drive a different route to get to a familiar place, I am quite often amazed at what is i hadnt noticed before,  what was  just so close.

I once read a statement "Bloom where you are planted." I know this can be read on my different levels, but for now, I'm just choosing to focus on enjoying where I am living.

Lets investigate all the nooks and corners in our own backyards.

Andrew Wyeth painted for about 70 years in a small area around his home, and his pictures are viewed and admired by millions.

What is in your backyard, or within a few blocks that you haven't taken the time to really SEE? This goes for me also.

Lets make this a new exciting day! Life is for living, not existing.

Lets Do, see and learn something new today! and then tomorrow also.

Enjoy Today !!, lets be aware of where we live today! and take time to look! at the splendor in our own backyards.

Now, I didn't say I would never go  long distance again but for now, this
moment. I am content to enjoy my surroundings.

There is much beauty and wonder at my finger tips.
The birds, the flowers, the streams, the sun and rain, the deer and rabbits, and yes those bugs! all here to create the beauty that surrounds me.

Just Pondering on my surroundings.

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ponderings #23

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you, thank you, for being here on this wonderful journey with me-- called life.
Everyone of us, everyone-- has a history, a past, a story, and everyone is here to learn from their experiences, from their past-- Conscious changing lessons.

One of these stories began a little over 21 years ago. A beautiful baby boy was born. This first baby of the family, was of course the adoration of his parents and grandparents. He was a precious little one, he quickly sat up and then immediately began crawling, showing great curiosity with everything he saw.
Then one evening this little one was bouncing on his mothers knees and she held up a metal coffee can filled with pop corn kernels and behind his head, shook it with all her energy and when he just kept bouncing and didn't turn around, she asked the grandmother if she thought there was a problem.
In that instant the grandmothers stomach turned over and over. Frozen, while pushing away the Yes, thoughts. But saying " Not in my family, to this child, to this family".
After going from denial, a trip to the audiologist happened. And the tests results were "Profound" in one ear and " Severe" in the other,  a jet plane going overhead could not be heard.
No one in this family had any experience with "deafness". What does this mean?
"Deaf" all the old stereotypes of deaf people played over and over in the
grandmothers head. and the daughter blamed herself for his "problem"; she had been sick for a brief time while she was pregnant.

Then the work began. The daughter, being a tenacious, proactive person, started studying everything she could find out about deafness, the deaf community, the disabilities act, what resources were available. She also taught herself American Sign Language (ASL). The grandmother also researched and came to terms with her own sense of shame about her previous held opinions.
The school for the deaf was visited, along with Gallaudet, where only sign is approved. Total Communication was the decision that was agreed on. Which means communication by every means possible.

The first hearing aid at the age of two was put in the profound ear, with the order "Don't put it in on the way home, any sound will probably scare him."
Language lessons began, association of a loud sound, like a door closing with the sound of a door closing. and on and on.
This beautiful boy during his early years, lived in silence, There was no closed captioned TV, or Texting, but if you couldn't read, it didn't matter anyway.
The daughter signed every word that was said.

She home schooled for years and then the high school days approached. Would he be accepted at a highly racked charter school?, The days went by. And Yes, he was accepted and an interpreter needed to be hired by the school district. That happened a few days before school began, It had been a long summer.
When he was 16, and time for his drivers license, again the grandmother went to fear! What if he couldn't hear another car or a horn blowing? Would he be safe?? She had to learn to let that fear go! and turn it over.

He graduated from high school and the college days approached. The state university was the accepted one, since they would provide the funding for an interpreter.
A few days before the first semester began, a court stenographer was hired. He went to every class and typed and somewhere in the world, it was translated into readable English and appeared on the boys laptop. YES!
The college years went by.

In 20 years, much had advanced with technology, not all perfect but better.
The grandmothers own consciousness had changed.
She marvels at her daughter and her drive and of course this now beautiful man. Who even learned Latin and is a precocious reader.

On Saturday the 26th of May 2012, he graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in Chemical Engineering.
Of course if you were reading between what was written, you know I am the grandmother, and the mother is my wonderful daughter and the boy is my marvelous grandson.

YES, Everything is possible!!! Don't ever believe the old tapes, BELIEVE, and have Faith, it isn't always easy. BUT everything is always possible.
Everyone and everything is a gift for learning, a chance to expand, a chance to have Faith,
Life happens, and we are here to learn and to share.

Is there an experience we need to embrace?
Is there a hidden race thought we need to reveal and erase?

Just pondering on a story from my life,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ponderings #22

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your continue support, and in being your gift to me.

I am writing Part 2 of the The Very First Angel, Part 1 was in the last Pondering.

Thank you so much for taking your time to read it. It was my pleasure to write it.

The Very First Angel --Part 2

Grandmother beamed, "What is an angel? Well, some may prefer to call you a

'Spirit or Guide' but I choose to call you an ' Angel'.

You will soon discover what an Angel is. For now, you can choose to be

whatever you would like to be."

The tiny light blinked, "My, my, I have choice?" "Yes, you have choice.'

The little Angel closed those curious eyes, and thought and thought.

And as the tiny Angel thought, the warmth of the Sun surrounded the Angel.

and the little Angel KNEW."

The Angel's eyes opened WIDE and blinked, "Grandmother, I KNOW

exactly what I choose to BE, and to DO, also!!!"

"I desire to be like you !!!" I desire to be bright and warm.

I choose to bring warmth, love and joy and peace to all, as you have to me!!!

And I choose to live with the clouds in the sky, to watch over all, like you do,

and to guide and to help others as you do. And also to have wings like the birds,

so when I am needed, I can fly and be anywhere in a blink>"

Grandmother beamed, "Yes, my tiny light, I know and knew all that about you.

You are to be a guide and a comfort for all who ask, And that is what an Angel is, exactly what you have chosen to be." The tiny Angel blinked,

"You already knew all that about me?" "Yes, my Angle, it was up to you,

to discover and know for yourself, who and what you are."

The little Angle blinked, "OH, my, my. And said, "I am so happy, but I do have

one more request. All the beautiful plants and animals here seem to have

their very own names. I was wondering if I could have my very own name.

But I don't know what it would be."

Grandmother radiated, "That my little one, is a very easy request."

How would you like the name MY-MY, my little light? I think it its perfect."

the tiny Angel twinkled, "Oh, my my, YES of course, MY-MY !! I shall be

named 'MY-MY' THE VERY FIRST ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!! and it was very good.

And as days flowed into nights and nights into days, and then into years,

the years turned into centuries. And with the passing of time more and more

Angels arrived. And even now, every day and every night, Angels are still

arriving. In this moment surrounding you are MY-MY and thousands of Angels,

ready to guide you and support you. WHEN YOU ASK.

The Angels, some as tiny as a dot, are as MY-MY is, loving, caring, and watching

over all that is. Ready to help when needed.

When you feel alone, afraid or need help,


And in a blink, MY-MY and the Angels will give you guidance, and bring

you comfort and peace.

AND IT IS GOOD, VERY GOOD. and so it was and is!!! the end

To all you earth angels, be good to yourself! you deserve it! when we have a choice, and we almost always do,



Is life exciting and an adventure, or a routine and boredom?

We have choice! Choose wisely!!

Just Pondering on past creativity,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ponderings #21

   Several years ago I wrote a book called "The Very First Angel". I have rewritten the story content as my Ponderings. and would love to share it with you. Trust you enjoy it.

The Very First Angel--Part 1

A very, very, very long time ago when the Earth was young,

mighty mountains and oceans and rivers were being formed.

Trees and wild flowers had begun to grow, and gently swayed with the breath

of the wind.

Flocks of birds soared high, gliding through the skies, schools of brightly colored fish zigged and zagged, and swam deep down in the clear waters,

Wild animals romped with great zeal over the hills and in the fields.

And all were happy and peaceful. And it was good.

Way up high-stretching across the horizon was a golden glow,

which watched over all, and guided all that was, and knew with great knowing,

how magnificent it was.

And when evening came, the golden glow, whish had wrapped the earth in warmth during the day, slowly descended behind the mighty mountains,

and the day blended into the darkness of night,

And darkness descended on the hills and valleys,

All became very quiet, resting and becoming renewed for the next day.

As the days passed into nights and nights into days,

Every day and every night followed the same rhythm as the day and night

before it.

Except for one very special night...

While the earth was dark and still, a tiny, tiny, white light blinked across the

darkness, so silently not even the sky stirred.

And the tiny blinking white light came to rest on a billowy cloud,

so softly not even the cloud stirred.

When the darkness of night was fading into morning, the tiny white light

saw the golden glow peering over the mountain tops, and saw the beauty


The golden glow immediately saw the tiny light and her inner core beat faster

and faster and she became brighter..

The glow knew this was 'light' she had been waiting for

The glow beamed, "How are you, my little one?"

The tiny light blinked, "Oh, my my, I don't know! I opened my eyes, and

I don't know where I am.

Am I alone? And who are you?"

The golden glow radiated, "I certainly will answer all your questions. Yes, my

little light, you are the very first tiny light here. Yes, the very first one.

But you don't need to feel alone. If you choose, I am willing to be your friend,

and I am willing to guide you and help you."

The tiny light blinked, "Oh my my, thank you for helping me, and I am so curious.

Please, could you tell me where I am?"

The golden glow beamed and beamed, "You ,my little one are at a place

called Earth and a most wonderous place it is!

You will soon know how marvelous and magical it is,

how with just your thoughts and ideas, you can create everything you desire."

The golden glow now stretching across the horizon radiated, "To answer your

questions, I am called the 'Sun" but if you choose, you may call me

"Grandmother', because I have been here a very, very, long time.

and I watch over all and guide all.

I change night into day and I keep the Earth warm. I knew you were coming,

I have waited for you. You, my little light are the "The Very First Angel".

The little light blinked, "Angel? Oh, my my, what is an Angel?"

Grandmother beamed, "What is an Angel?" Well, some may prefer to call

you a 'Spirit or Guide' but I choose to call you an 'Angel' You will soon

discover what an Angel is. For now, you can choose to be whatever you

would like to be."

To be continued.....Please save Part 1 and if you choose, we have choice,

forward it on. Have a wonderful sunny day!!

Just Pondering on past creativity

Linda Patton, RScP ENTC

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ponderings #20

Dear fellow travelers,

Spring is here! and the trees and plants have sprung to life again. I trust you are taking a few moments, if not more, to enjoy this array of beauty.

But what if we are having some of those not so beautiful moments of enjoying the abundance of nature, and our thoughts are  more centered on

" Why is this happening?, or What? what is this about?, those thoughts that take us away from the beauty that surrounds us.

When I have those moments, one thing I do is to go back to one of my favorite books "The Hiding Place"' (a must read), and remember several of my most special episodes from this remarkable true story.

A short recap: Corrie and her sister Betsy (who was the more spiritual and steadfast religious of the two) lived a very everyday, routine life in a small town in Holland. That was until WW 11 happened.

Then, their home became a halfway house for hiding Jews and Corrie became a large part of the Holland underground.

They were captured and imprisoned in a concentration camp: in an urine and flea infested straw covered floor cell with fifty plus women.

Betsy insisted on holding religious meetings in their cell for all the women, a real NO against the rules of the camp, but their meetings became more and more open. Corrie was in awe of this blessing.

One night when Betsy and Corrie were saying their prayers. Betsy said, "Thank you God for the Fleas", Corrie said " WHAT??". and Betsy with her sweet voice, responded, "Yes, God, say be grateful for everything!!" and that includes the fleas, and Corrie reluctantly prayed, "Thank you God for the Fleas!"

A few days later one of the women from their cell told them she had overhead two of their guards talking, one said to the other, "Do you ever check that last cell?, I never do" the other guard said, " NO! I never go near it BECAUSE OF THE FLEAS!"


We may never know or see the larger view or higher meaning.

Betsy had died while in the camp, but after the war, Corrie spoke to many groups about her experiences during the War years and after. She was a radiant presences at these meetings and Forgiveness was high on her priority list on how to reestablish the many fractured war torn lives.

At one event she came face to face with one of the hostile, cruel guards from her camp.

It was now time for her to practice what she preached.


It isn't always easy to practice what one preaches, but necessary, to embrace a peaceful and joyful life.

and to truly see the array of beauty that surrounds us.

My life is so blessed and you are one of the reasons.

What are you grateful for?

Is there still someone you need to forgive??

Just Pondering,
and enjoying the beauty of spring,

Linda Patton RScP, ENTC