Monday, May 7, 2012

Ponderings #21

   Several years ago I wrote a book called "The Very First Angel". I have rewritten the story content as my Ponderings. and would love to share it with you. Trust you enjoy it.

The Very First Angel--Part 1

A very, very, very long time ago when the Earth was young,

mighty mountains and oceans and rivers were being formed.

Trees and wild flowers had begun to grow, and gently swayed with the breath

of the wind.

Flocks of birds soared high, gliding through the skies, schools of brightly colored fish zigged and zagged, and swam deep down in the clear waters,

Wild animals romped with great zeal over the hills and in the fields.

And all were happy and peaceful. And it was good.

Way up high-stretching across the horizon was a golden glow,

which watched over all, and guided all that was, and knew with great knowing,

how magnificent it was.

And when evening came, the golden glow, whish had wrapped the earth in warmth during the day, slowly descended behind the mighty mountains,

and the day blended into the darkness of night,

And darkness descended on the hills and valleys,

All became very quiet, resting and becoming renewed for the next day.

As the days passed into nights and nights into days,

Every day and every night followed the same rhythm as the day and night

before it.

Except for one very special night...

While the earth was dark and still, a tiny, tiny, white light blinked across the

darkness, so silently not even the sky stirred.

And the tiny blinking white light came to rest on a billowy cloud,

so softly not even the cloud stirred.

When the darkness of night was fading into morning, the tiny white light

saw the golden glow peering over the mountain tops, and saw the beauty


The golden glow immediately saw the tiny light and her inner core beat faster

and faster and she became brighter..

The glow knew this was 'light' she had been waiting for

The glow beamed, "How are you, my little one?"

The tiny light blinked, "Oh, my my, I don't know! I opened my eyes, and

I don't know where I am.

Am I alone? And who are you?"

The golden glow radiated, "I certainly will answer all your questions. Yes, my

little light, you are the very first tiny light here. Yes, the very first one.

But you don't need to feel alone. If you choose, I am willing to be your friend,

and I am willing to guide you and help you."

The tiny light blinked, "Oh my my, thank you for helping me, and I am so curious.

Please, could you tell me where I am?"

The golden glow beamed and beamed, "You ,my little one are at a place

called Earth and a most wonderous place it is!

You will soon know how marvelous and magical it is,

how with just your thoughts and ideas, you can create everything you desire."

The golden glow now stretching across the horizon radiated, "To answer your

questions, I am called the 'Sun" but if you choose, you may call me

"Grandmother', because I have been here a very, very, long time.

and I watch over all and guide all.

I change night into day and I keep the Earth warm. I knew you were coming,

I have waited for you. You, my little light are the "The Very First Angel".

The little light blinked, "Angel? Oh, my my, what is an Angel?"

Grandmother beamed, "What is an Angel?" Well, some may prefer to call

you a 'Spirit or Guide' but I choose to call you an 'Angel' You will soon

discover what an Angel is. For now, you can choose to be whatever you

would like to be."

To be continued.....Please save Part 1 and if you choose, we have choice,

forward it on. Have a wonderful sunny day!!

Just Pondering on past creativity

Linda Patton, RScP ENTC

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