Everyday Spirituality
Dear fellow travelers,
Thank you for coming on this journey with me.
I have heard from you, concerning situations and challenges on finances, relationships, health, work issues, and in many other areas. I have at one time or another, also had challenges in many of these areas.
We are all unique individuals, who are also creative beings. I know we all have our own life styles, perspectives and beliefs.
I have read that to change a situation, we must change the perspective or belief behind it, to allow us to be open to solutions.
I had an ah ha! moment with a profound, to me, experiential (an activity in which everyone in the group participates). It culminated in endless solutions, and I often go back to that exercise when I feel blocked, knowing "there is a solution".
It was an exercise at a regional management work seminar, to promote the concept to of giving our employees their work assignments with the due date, and then to allow them to complete the tasks in their own creative styles.
It was a demonstration to show how people do have their own unique ways to reach their goal. It taught me more than that.
The experiential was:
At one end of the ballroom there were targets attached to the wall. Each target had an agenda on "Why do you work" written on it such as: "money", "benefits", "security","work itself", "prestige", etc.
About 200 of us were at the other end of the ballroom behind a white line.
We were one at a time to go the other end of the ballroom and touch the target which represented our attitude.
The catch was: we each had to go in a different way.!!! Now Really.
I think I actually stopped breathing, I could think of only about three ways to go; walk, skip and run. My mind went blank. I just had to be one of the first to go, because there could not possible be 200 or so ways.
Actually there were. The more ways people created to go, the more ways there were; some danced, walked backward, jumped, did circles, summersaults, and each one could be done in reverse. It was amazing to me.
The creative ideas were endless!! The solutions were endless!!
For me I learned more than to let go and allow people to be creative, I learned how many ways to solve an initial challenge there could be. "endless", I just need to be open, take off my blinders and allow the unlimited abundant solutions to pour in.
We are all unique beings with access to more creative ideas than we can ever humanly imagine. There is no "lack", lack is only in our closed awareness.
We are unlimited abundant in all ways. Believe It!!!
I could sign off here but I have an interesting story to tell of how one solution manifested.
This obviously would not be every ones, but this did happen.
A few years ago, a friend, who said she was "on a fixed income", wanted to move to a retirement community and at that moment didn't have the resources to move. She was open to all possibilities and looking for solutions.
In the same time period her ex husband transitioned, to her shock, he deliberately or unintentionally hadn't changed his beneficiary on a very old insurance policy. Yes, she inherited a very large sum of money.
She moved!!
Now, again this is probably not the solution for everyone.
We just need to be open to all possibilities.
Are you open?
Do you believe there are endless solutions?
Just pondering,
Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC