Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ponderings #48

Dear fellow travelers,
   I trust you are staying cool,  this is far from my winter blues!!  Thank you so much for your interest and your comments.
   I have been going thru some old papers and came a cross an old work picture which brought back some memories.
  I recalled an event that happened many years ago, when I supervised an office force in an Engineering Dept that was responsible for many various job functions that needed to flow, like a well oiled machine to meet its deadlines. 
  This particular incident began one day when I overhead a gal who was being transferred into my department saying,  "I'm NOT going to work for that _____________"
and it wasn't a compliment!!!  But mirroring her thoughts,  I wasn't really happy about her either,  She had a reputation for being lazy, unfocused, and as you can tell didn't have a great attitude.  Not my cup of tea!!
  When I received her employment records, her test scores ranked above average!
  Well about that....
  I decided to turn lemons into lemonade, as the saying goes.
  I asked myself when did I do a good job??  When did I want to do a good job??
  Being work oriented, I always liked to do my best,  but then I dug further.....
   I felt really Good when I felt Empowered, Creative, Respected and Heard.
   Just maybe these where her feel good buttons also.
  Using these guidelines during our first meeting, I was honest with her and told her I had heard that she wasn't happy with the change,  and I also had some reservations.
But I knew she was capable of doing a good job.  I told her I was giving her complete control over an important segment of the operation. I had Faith in her capabilities, She could change it, to make it work any way she choose.  But it had to be done accurately and on time.  I knew she could do it,  and I would assist her if she asked me.  but would be hers....I would trust her  decisions.
Was she willing to do it?    YES.....  and then we made lemonade.
We worked together for quite a few years and we grew to have a mutual respect for each other.
Now, is there someone in your life,  that needs a little encouragement??
Needs to feel and be appreciated and respected?
Just pondering on lemonade
Rev Linda Patton  ENTC

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ponderings #47

Dear fellow traveler,

  Thank you for your touching responses to my last Pondering.  I also was very touched by that story.

  To me this Pondering is  of a much lighter nature.
  My question for a while was: what if I just gave up the resistance and admitted it didn't work, the way I had hoped it would??

  One of Murphy's Laws states the more something costs the harder it is to give it up , even if it doesn't do what it was intended to do.
  That's where I was for ten years,----- yep!!! ten years.
  I had set up my art studio in the basement with much excitement, ten years ago.  Lot of shelf space, great overhead lights  etc.  But there was something about going down the steps to the basement.  I had to push myself to go.  Once there I felt OK but not really.  The best art I feel I have done was at my former house in the spare bedroom on the second floor.  OH really!!
   Something about the basement!!

  I finally decided after much going back and forth in my mind,  to move most of the art supplies to the third floor room. 
I do still plan on using the basement for real messy projects and framing.  we will see!!!

However, this meant ordering a work table, bookcases, buying throw rugs and plastic to cover the carpet.  etc.   Then moving most of the existing furniture out of the room.  and carrying much up or down three flights of stairs.
Well!! we did it.  I consider it exercise.  and making a good decision.
  Its almost complete and it already feels better, more peaceful. 
 The room is bright and cheerful!
  Now time will time if my art motivation kicks in.

 Peace, ease, and happiness are my goals.
  Stay turned in for my great masterpieces to appear

  Is there anything you feel resistance about?  and you keep on doing it anyway?
Maybe its time to cut the attachments, habit, routine and/ or loses and make a change.

   Change isn't always easy,  But sometimes it is necessary to get the inspiration working again.  I'm expecting great ideas to manifest.

Just Pondering on resistance to change.

Rev Linda Patton,  ENTC