Dear fellow
Thank you
for your touching responses to my last Pondering. I also was very touched
by that story.
To me this
Pondering is of a much lighter nature.
My question
for a while was: what if I just gave up the resistance and admitted it
didn't work, the way I had hoped it would??
One of
Murphy's Laws states the more something costs the harder it is to give it
up , even if it doesn't do what it was intended to do.
That's where
I was for ten years,----- yep!!! ten years.
I had set up
my art studio in the basement with much excitement, ten years ago. Lot of
shelf space, great overhead lights etc. But there was something
about going down the steps to the basement. I had to push myself to
go. Once there I felt OK but not really. The best art I feel I have
done was at my former house in the spare bedroom on the second floor. OH really!!
Something about the basement!!
I finally
decided after much going back and forth in my mind, to move most of the
art supplies to the third floor room.
I do
still plan on using the basement for real messy projects and
framing. we will see!!!
However, this meant
ordering a work table, bookcases, buying throw rugs and plastic to cover the
carpet. etc. Then moving most of the existing furniture out
of the room. and carrying much up or down three flights of stairs.
Well!! we did
it. I consider it exercise. and making a good decision.
Its almost
complete and it already feels better, more peaceful.
The room is
bright and cheerful!
Now time
will time if my art motivation kicks in.
Peace, ease,
and happiness are my goals.
Stay turned
in for my great masterpieces to appear

Is there
anything you feel resistance about? and you keep on doing it anyway?
Maybe its time to
cut the attachments, habit, routine and/ or loses and make a change.
Change isn't always easy, But sometimes it is necessary to get the inspiration working again. I'm expecting great ideas to manifest.
Just Pondering on resistance to change.
Just Pondering on resistance to change.
Rev Linda
Patton, ENTC
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