Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ponderings #50

Dear fellow travelers,
  Just think you have been on this path with me thru 50 Ponderings!!  Now the question is how will life be for you and me  when I create my 500th?   That would be at my current rate in another ten years.
  I had started Ponderings, just for a very brief time ten years ago--ten years ago there were, to my knowledge, not too much coming over the Internet that was in the nature of personal writings, and or inspirational writings.  Of course the Internet was not at everyone's finger tips as it is now.  Now in just ten years, a blink in the eyes of the universe;  I receive multitudes of spiritual sayings, and motivational messages.  But I do still write my own, however, ten years from now---at its current rate, the number from others will have increased exponentially!!  .    and its All good. 
How the times are rapidly changing:  something to ponder.
  The world for me is moving at a much more rapid pace.  The days fly past, then they turn into months-- Winter becomes Summer and then Winter again. 
  However, on a slower pace,  I was fortunate this week to find myself sitting at lunch across from a beautiful young lady, who had just turned 21, my granddaughter.  She is a senior at the University.   Ten years ago she was in the sixth grade.  She has been a joy to watch as she has grown.   Where will she have her life take her in the next ten years??
  My life in the last ten years has changed dramatically.  I went in directions I would not have imagined, even twelve years ago.  However, there were some very sad periods when close friends and family members transitioned.
   But the  hills arose from the valleys and I accomplished many personal visions.
   A friend , many years ago, when I was working   and I felt really stuck and saw no hills,  told me, "Never give up on your dreams!"  but I couldn't see beyond my challenges then,  and now they are just a slight memory.

 Life does change,  change is the only constant.  And,  guess what??  sometimes, if not often, its for the good!!  In the end its All Good, even if it doesnt seen so at some point.  Imagine that!! 

 If you feel stuck, move, imagine the unimaginable, the good for yourself,  and start and keep moving...Don't ever give up,  be grateful for all things, you never know where they may lead you.

 Just imagine where you can be ten years from now!!

 What has happened in your life in the last ten years?
 Where were you then? where are you now?

 Everything that has ever happened to you has brought you to where you are now!! 
If you aren't on top of the mountain,  as my friend told me years ago
"Never give up on your dreams",  and do dream!!  Dream Big--start moving and keep on moving, even if you are on top of your mountain,  there is always something else to do, to create,  we are never done.   

Just Pondering on Power of Ten

Rev Linda Patton,  ENTC

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ponderings #49

Dear fellow travelers,
Thank you for being on this thing called life with me, with its many adventures and challenges.
This past week I had a call from a beautiful gal who was having a difficult time over the fact that someone had just accepted her with open arms, without her doing anything to "earn" the acceptance.   
Now you may be saying "what????"   but thinking about it at a deeper level,
how many people do you know, or maybe even you may think now and then, that you have to prove your self in some way that you are good enough for a certain job, a certain organization, a certain assignment, a certain group of people and on and on it could go?  
I admit at times I have thought, I cant do that!,  and the bottom line was, because.........
Yes that right!   Every now and then I have to adjust my own thinking!!
And I have over the years worked with many people who started out with one "want" or " issue"  and when my questions continued,  the belief behind it all came out to be because I cant have it, or I'm afraid I wont or cant  achieve it was because I'm not good enough. 
People do all kinds of things for that outside approval, to feel good, about themselves: that they are worthy, to be accepted. --the big houses, expensive cars, and all the up to date everything.
And believe me,  I love the great cars and clothes and all the dressings but I need to just be sure I am loving it because I really like it, not for that outside praise or the outside saying, that I have arrived.
Let's go a step further...we don't need to do anything to prove our worth, our value to anyone!!!
We are pre-approved, just by our being here, on this great planet! 
We were created as the Bible states, "in the image and likeness of God".  and God encompass all, and if this is so, and I believe it is. 
We need not do anything!!! we are by our "being" here, proof  enough that we are totally completely accepted.  We don't need outside approval.  Its an inside job.
No thing or nothing we may have heard from our past,  in our formative years need to be our tapes now.  I suggest we erase them. 
To go back to this beautiful gal,  and maybe someone you know also.  How is she possibly going to please her worth to 9 billion people on earth?  everyone has there own likes and dislikes from their own experiences, isn't it much easier just to please the one person that is with us all the time?   ourselve!
Again, we are pre-approved-, by our life itself. and are only job as far as I can surmise is to live life as we choose, as long as we are not harming another or the environment. 
Just embrace all those open arms with a grateful thank you , without question.
We, all,  are truly worthy, and capable, without a doubt of receiving, all good things.
Maybe a little preachy but
Just pondering on Worth
Rev Linda Patton   ENTC