Friday, January 3, 2014

Ponderings #61

Dear fellow travelers,
    Again a deep heartfelt thank you for all your emails,  they give me inspiration.
I am so taken and touched by how articulate you are, how creative you are, and what great talent you have .  I really think you may consider, if you haven't already, writing yourself!   how about that for a project for the new year?
   As  2013,  draws to a close.  I have done much, as I'm sure you have in the past year.  I actually keep tract with a hand made list of different categories that fit my life and do a time- line of when I  start, complete, or when various activities, happen.  A great resource when I need the info for different reasons.
   How do you keep track of your life's happenings?
   What are you up to in 2014,  any big changes you know about?
        How are you dealing with the changes?  are they self-imposed?
        Are there areas of your life that are in need of change (s)?
                   Are you ready to make the change (s)?
   For me,  I am starting a Pastoral Care (Chaplain) program at AI Nemours Children's Hospital in a few weeks, actually it started a while back with the application, reference letters, background checks and now the physical.  On line training starts soon and the in hospital training begins in a few weeks.  Once a week five hour seminars and 14 hours a week  on the floor duties.  I'm excited!!. 
   For me to disclose what I'm doing before the actually doing begins, is new to me,  I usually wait until I'm part way thought and then make an announcement.  But this just feels right.  One person told me I was brave for doing this,  I replied, I think I'm naive!
   I know I have much to learn, I just trust I can be of service!  fill some of the needs of the many that come there for help. At a distance, I find myself wondering how much challenge these families must be in and questioning how they cope.  As I have said, I have much to learn.
   As we know, everyone's life at times has challenges, some so heart breaking to me, that I can say I am amazed that they can be gone thru, worked thru, and overcome to some degree, if more totally surpassed to a higher level of consciousness.   The human spirit is amazing.  Many people can be made stronger, more spiritual and more compassionate by the teachings and willingness to learn from whatever the challenge was and is.
I am in great gratitude for the human spirit,  the drive most of  we humans have to be willing to climb above  challenges and see the light,  the sun that shines. 
  I can only say  "Wow"   we humans are totally awesome!!!!!!!!.
And if you are in a challenge,  believe, believe,  that at some point this to will past.
Life is a gift,  live it!  Everyday, live it, do something special, maybe just one small thing, but do something, if its just buying flowers, using that china that is put away.
Light a fire in the fireplace, read a few pages in that book by the bed.  Journal, take a walk.  Call a friend to say hi,  I miss you.  Meditate,  go somewhere you have never been, go in  that corner store you  always walk past.  explore....just enjoy!!! or just be!
Moments are gone in a instant.   Use them  for the best.  Whatever your heart is calling you to do and be.
Make 2014, the time for reevaluating your life,  enhance it,  enjoy it, and above all know your life is for living.........maybe give more of yourself somewhere or to someone, this opens the space for you to receive more of the good there is.  And above all--  say-- thank you!! to someone,  the greatest gift anyone can give to someone...appreciation!
Live today, in this moment.  and  Many thank you's  to you!! 
Just Ponderings on Possibilities
Rev Linda Patton,  ENTC