Monday, January 2, 2012

Ponderings #13

Dear Fellow Travelers,

I am saying, as so many others have said to you: Happy New Year!! and may 2012 be all, that your wonderful visions have visioned it to be!! May all your days and moments be filled with wonder and joy.

And again thank you for being you!!

I have been chuckling over a word I have used many times.

I am going on a vacation, back to a country I said I would NEVER visit again.

NEVER is the word. I reflected back on all the times I could remember using that word and guess what? I always did again exactly what I said I would NEVER do.

What has happened to have this NEVER manifest, again? I came to the "Spiritual Principle" WHAT I RESIST--PERSISTS!

Why is that? I believe for me, that the word NEVER has so much energy behind it that I draw back into my life the very thing I was resisting. I still have lessons to learn from the experience.

Until I stop resisting, and allow myself to go to Acceptance. and going to Acceptance is, for me, finding the good in the situation or place, forgiving what I perceived as not good, finding the value, the good, and focusing on the good.

And there is always GOOD!!

Another word, I have heard in various conversations, and I use it, I admit, (but of course just every now and then). is WORRYING. An extreme example is when I was talking with a woman lately and she said she was worried that her daughter, who was at the moment off drugs, would slip and go back on them. She said she was, "a Mom and she worried". I thought to myself does Mom need to equal worrying? How would it be if Mom just equaled Love and Support? and that was where all the energy used for worrying was channeled, To Love and Support ! Something to ponder.

To me there would be more time and energy for her to focus on being fully available for her daughter.

I know this is just me, you wont be doing this: but up until now, I have spent hours worrying, about this or that, and if I changed my thoughts from worrying to more productive ideas, I could actually manifest and accomplish much more.

I could truly focus on positive, life enhancing ideas and activities.

Also worrying to me translates into Control!, If I worry enough I think I have Control over this situation. I have deluded myself into thinking I could control it! The only thing or person I can Control is myself, and that is mostly a full time job.

For me, I must catch myself when my thoughts, my mind, strays to Worrying, to recognize it, and change those worrying, negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Thoughts do become reality: choose the good ones.

This is my resolution for 2012, and for all times: Enjoy these magical, mystical, miracles that happen in every moment. Think Great thoughts, Drop the word NEVER! Love, support, forgive and accept. And be all, I am here to be.

Stand in my own Truth, be centered in myself. And see only the Good.

We all have lessons to learn and this beautiful, magnificent Earth is our classroom, our school; and we are each others teachers.

In great gratitude for you being my teacher and for you being in my life, Thank you!!

Do you have vision for yourself?

If so, how is it working for you?

Just Pondering with great blessings,

Linda RScP, ENTC

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