Monday, May 21, 2012

Ponderings #22

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you for your continue support, and in being your gift to me.

I am writing Part 2 of the The Very First Angel, Part 1 was in the last Pondering.

Thank you so much for taking your time to read it. It was my pleasure to write it.

The Very First Angel --Part 2

Grandmother beamed, "What is an angel? Well, some may prefer to call you a

'Spirit or Guide' but I choose to call you an ' Angel'.

You will soon discover what an Angel is. For now, you can choose to be

whatever you would like to be."

The tiny light blinked, "My, my, I have choice?" "Yes, you have choice.'

The little Angel closed those curious eyes, and thought and thought.

And as the tiny Angel thought, the warmth of the Sun surrounded the Angel.

and the little Angel KNEW."

The Angel's eyes opened WIDE and blinked, "Grandmother, I KNOW

exactly what I choose to BE, and to DO, also!!!"

"I desire to be like you !!!" I desire to be bright and warm.

I choose to bring warmth, love and joy and peace to all, as you have to me!!!

And I choose to live with the clouds in the sky, to watch over all, like you do,

and to guide and to help others as you do. And also to have wings like the birds,

so when I am needed, I can fly and be anywhere in a blink>"

Grandmother beamed, "Yes, my tiny light, I know and knew all that about you.

You are to be a guide and a comfort for all who ask, And that is what an Angel is, exactly what you have chosen to be." The tiny Angel blinked,

"You already knew all that about me?" "Yes, my Angle, it was up to you,

to discover and know for yourself, who and what you are."

The little Angle blinked, "OH, my, my. And said, "I am so happy, but I do have

one more request. All the beautiful plants and animals here seem to have

their very own names. I was wondering if I could have my very own name.

But I don't know what it would be."

Grandmother radiated, "That my little one, is a very easy request."

How would you like the name MY-MY, my little light? I think it its perfect."

the tiny Angel twinkled, "Oh, my my, YES of course, MY-MY !! I shall be

named 'MY-MY' THE VERY FIRST ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!! and it was very good.

And as days flowed into nights and nights into days, and then into years,

the years turned into centuries. And with the passing of time more and more

Angels arrived. And even now, every day and every night, Angels are still

arriving. In this moment surrounding you are MY-MY and thousands of Angels,

ready to guide you and support you. WHEN YOU ASK.

The Angels, some as tiny as a dot, are as MY-MY is, loving, caring, and watching

over all that is. Ready to help when needed.

When you feel alone, afraid or need help,


And in a blink, MY-MY and the Angels will give you guidance, and bring

you comfort and peace.

AND IT IS GOOD, VERY GOOD. and so it was and is!!! the end

To all you earth angels, be good to yourself! you deserve it! when we have a choice, and we almost always do,



Is life exciting and an adventure, or a routine and boredom?

We have choice! Choose wisely!!

Just Pondering on past creativity,

Linda Patton, RScP, ENTC

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