Monday, December 26, 2011

Ponderings #10

Ponderings #10

Dear fellow travelers,
After my decision to make a change in my life, many doors have opened, and many people have offered kind words of support and love.
Thank you so much, very much appreciated.
Life, as I have written before, is always changing, life may go along with the same routine day after day and then in an instant or yes, over a period of time, change happens. From the seasons, to our chosen life tasks, our activities, and our attachments, attachments be it people or material; change happens. How we choose to deal with these changes are our challenge.
The period in between change and then our rebirth, our re-creation, can be exciting, sad, or frightening, or all emotions, depending on the moment, -- again, it is whatever we choose it to be. It is our choice, how we choose to perceive it. We will be reborn, we will be recreated at our level of acceptance. Acceptance to change is the key, I didn't say it was always easy. just important.
I know from one job I had which dealt with locating 150 families from their homes of many years after the state bought their properties, change is perceived differently by everyone.
The people who came in with the attitude of, "Great, I can start over", to the others who at our meetings were furious and/or cried and told their stories of how attached they were to their homes, their neighborhood, their friends, seemed to be the ones over the months of negotiations that manifested heart attacks and many other health issues. I know these illnesses could have happened anyway. But I cant discount the fact that having this major change in their lives, which was unwanted, contributed to their health issues.
It was really sad at times to witness these events, but it was a great lesson to me of how a persons good attitude can be a steady anchor. The people who choose to happily accept the change seemed to move on with much ease and quickly.
Another awareness I personally realized, up close and personal, even though I knew it was there in my emotional makeup, on the back burner, was my issue of having outside approval. How much having outside approval for my own decisions meant to me. My teachings, as I know many of you know, is that the only approval we need is our own. It is inside job, we are pre-approved!!! honestly!! pre-approved. As we enter this world, we are already approved of, maybe not always by our caretakers but from our master creator.
And I claim I am releasing this need for outside approval for myself here and now! The only approval I need is my own!! YES!!!
Using my intellect, when I think about outside approval, , and the facts: 7 billion people on earth, all different countries, cultures, ethnic groups, languages and experiences. Approval, outside myself: Wow, what was I setting myself up for! Yes, Acceptance as a child of the universe, we are all entitle to that, and we can choose to accept our differences. That to me would make a wonderful world.
I believe, we are here to serve each other with love, understanding and forgiveness.
I was at a wonderful retreat a few days ago and the speaker told us of his favorite guru.
She is a witness at a diner. She comes into work every morning and makes a large industrial pot of coffee, then fills two coffee urns. She walks around to the diner's customers and asked each one if they want coffee, some accept, others don't, and some even ignore her. She then goes back and refills her urns, and then again goes to all the customers and asks if they want coffee. Some accept, some don't and some still ignore her.
She never goes behind the counter and to cry and berate herself for not being enough or approved of, or what ever else she could say negative about herself, because not everyone wanted her coffee.
She serves it to who wants it, and always offers it to everyone. A great guru.
I say, Yes, we are pre-approved, and here accept and to serve. and we need only our own approval.
We are here to offer support to those that will accept it and to keep on offering, like this wise coffee guru.
And Love and smiles may be the greatest gifts of support we can give to many.
We really may not need to say anything. Our heart to heart vibration is enough.
Yes, it is pre-approved!!
I say, let's follow our hearts, approve of ourselves, we are perfect! just the way we are. and always be willing to serve.
How do we serve?
Is there anything you need to release?
Are there any changes you need to make? even if it just in attitude?
Just pondering

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