Monday, December 26, 2011

Ponderings #4

Ponderings #4

Dear fellow travelers,
The former leader of a group I attend, always said at the end of the meetings, "You are a blessing to me!", and I pass that on to you. You are truly a blessing to me. I thank you for your kind support and your responses and questions. I received several on the topic of Joy. One long term friend said she could identify with the person who had written that she had lost her joy.
When I hear the many challenges that people have, it does or can feel like there is no end to the tunnel, especially when things are not as we have planned or, when we are ill, or so many things are in need of our attention that we allow ourselves to be stressed beyond what we believe we can handle, but ...
please believe that Joy is never lost , it is like the sun always there, maybe covered over with clouds, or darkness but it is waiting for the moment to pop thru again. Trust the principle that it is there, ready to appear again. Really truly...
Life is hills and valleys. that is what our human life is.
One suggestion I have is to just remember to breath, breath deep, and also for me when I am in those times, I think of one little thing to be grateful for, then another, and then another, it may not be easy at first, but it does become easier. Remember the sun is always here..., shining as joy is, waiting for you.
I had gone thru my former Ponderings which were written about 10 years again, time does seem to go quickly for me. I came across this one which I can still relate too, a really small incident now, but not at the time when I allowed myself to lose my joy and almost ruin my experience.
This was a lesson for me.
I had found these notes from a talk by Wayne Dyer:
A women was in a train station and she had bought a small bag of cookies at the little stand in the station. Since, she had some time to wait before her train, she sat down on the bench with her belongings and started to read her book. A man came and sat beside her, and in a few minutes, out of the corner of her eye she saw him look at the brown bag and reach inside and take out a cookie, She was so shocked and annoyed, she froze and couldn't think of thing to say. He ate the cookie, with my regard for her. In retaliation, she reached in the bag and took out another cookie, ate it and gave him an irritated look. A minute later, he again reached into the bag and took out another cookie, smiled at her and ate it. and then she took out a cookie and ate it. She was furious. She was thinking "What nerve!! How inconsiderate" and then he reached into the bag--He was going to eat the last cookie!!!!!!!!. He broke it in half, smiled at her and handed her the one half. kept the other for himself and got up and left. She was so angry, she was beside herself. She was thinking of all the things she should have said and didn't. A while later it was time for her train and still in a huff over this rude stranger, she grabbed her pocket book and knocked over a brown bag which was behind it. Yes, another bag of cookies. Hers.
Now to tie this to a real life event, a few years ago, I had started to go to the U of DE basketball games. That year the team was in the playoffs. I had stood in line for a long time a week before the final game and bought two tickets for the final game. I was so excited, we had tickets for the sold out game!
As we were standing at the doors waiting to go in, I casually mentioned what row are we in and in response was "I don't know, you have the tickets", WHAT,
No, I don't, I gave them to you!" How could you not have bought the tickets!!!"Now we probably wont get in." After my hysteria, the tickets were reissued. Delaware did win. Everything did work out. But I had allowed my hysteria to tarnish my joy, my enthusiasm. My joy had been clouded over.
When I got home, the tickets were on the counter, not only had I allowed myself to lose my joy, I had been the cookie thief!!!
I know none of you have ever experienced this type of situation, but just in case, I trust you handled it better than I, for me I need to remember that other people just may be right some of the time.
And I am grateful.
What are you grateful for?
What have you viewed as an awful time or experience and later, maybe even years later, found a blessing or many in it?
What are you joyful about?
I have a great life, and you are one of the reasons. that's a joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon

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