Monday, December 26, 2011

Ponderings #9

Ponderings #8

Dear Fellow Travelers,
Again thank you for your responses, they are a blessing to me.
When I first started "Ponderings" and then stopped, it was ten years ago. How the world has changed since then.
Ten years ago, to me, there was no Face book, texting, twitter, blogs, Iphones, IPads, etc. Now by choice, by email, I receive five spiritual messages a day. And not by choice, numerous emails to join various link up groups.
I have to laugh now when I remember when I purchased my first answering machine in my group, and one of my friends refused to leave a message and berated me for buying such a contraction. My father never did have one.
Yes, how times how changed. When I worked for what is now Verizon in DE. Carolyn Berger was the first women CEO of our Co. and asked at a meeting what we visioned the telephone would be like in twenty years. No one visioned the
Cell Phone. No one actually really visioned Dick Tracey would be our destiny.
All these new innovations, inventions, the world of information, which I know some of you are saying-- this is all so good. And I can really say I like goggle for information that I need. But wasn't this toted to make our lives easier and to use less paper?
Sometimes I feel like my life is way over scheduled, -- I know my choice.
All the people through history who have changed the world or the world view, and the thoughts of people (the race consciousness) were visionaries, leaders, they weren't followers.
They walked to their own beat, and it wasn't always easy.
There are thousands of examples, from Joan of Arc, Galileo, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, just to list a few.
But one action, one small action can also change the world. When Rosa Parks in 1955, decided not to give her seat to a white man on the bus , as the law stated at that time, to me, lead indirectly to our first black president.
Like a pebble thrown in a stream, the ripple effect can spread to far unknown places.
We all don't have to be great visionaries, but we can do one small act.....
With the transition of Steve Jobs, a great visionary, and DE icon artist Edward Loper, two great leaders. Our world was blessed for them being here. Who will be our next great visionaries ?
But we only have to be a Rosa Parks, one small act, maybe we already have done it and don't even know it, can change the course of some ones life.
But, I do feel a little melancholy from the recent transition of these beings, even through I didn't know one, I have had several other long term friends that have transitioned recently, I may need to reevaluate what I have as my priorities, I really want to spend more times with friends and family.
And if you sometimes feel like I do at times, over scheduled, maybe we need to just exhale and be good to ourselves, or call on the phone, (that old fashion machine,) that person we think about. Our lives do pass quickly, we need to do for ourselves and for others, we need to be kind. To listen, to be there for them, And in the end that is what is important to me, what I have contributed to others, and how I feel about my self.
Let's also enjoy time with others, maybe actually spend time with others. The people in our lives that we know we can count on. Those special people. Just to say Thank you for being in my life.
Do you think you have done that one small act?
Who do you need to call?
Who can you count on?
Have you exhaled lately?
What are your priorities?
How do you vision the future?
Just Pondering

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