Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ponderings #59

Dear fellow travelers,
  Thank you again and again for your return emails.  I'm so glad you take the time to read my writings.
  Now in this holiday season and the fact that  this week that standard  Sound of Music is being aired on TV:  the song These Are a Few of My Favorite Things, keeps playing thru my head.
  However I would like to share a "few of my favorite sayings:"

     From the Four Agreements
       Be impeccable with my word
       Don't put myself down
       It's about them, their perspective
       Do my best (but that doesn't mean perfect)
       Don't let people live in my head (thoughts) rent free,   forgive them, 
                and move them out.
      The truth as they see it.  (may not be my truth)
       My joy doesn't depend upon the approval of others!!!!!! outside approval -is a no!
       If I believed it was at less possible, what would I do?
       A diagnosis is not a prognosis,  don't deny the facts, just the outcome
       I am not responsible for their existence
       It is not my duty to do everything everyone wants me to do.  what do I want to do?
       It's their stuff-I don't need to buy into it-just be myself.
       Be grateful for all I have,  big and small  really be grateful for everything
                there is always a lesson (s) to be learned.
       I have nothing to do,  I only have to be.
       When I see a virtue in someone else, I have it,  I cant see it, if I don't have it
       What would love do???
       I am never finished, there is always something else to create!  Enjoy the process
       I must realize that the reason I want anything, is to make myself
                     feel a certain way
       When I consider how hard it is to change myself,  I understand what little
            chance I have to change someone else.
       Work with what you have,  and speak with authority.   (M. Beckwith)
       Does what I wish to express,  express more life, more happiness, more peace
            within me,  and harm no one?  Then it is a go
        From the Whisper of the Heart  (modified)----
        Make peace with my past, so it wont screw up my present
        What others think of me is none of my business (cant please everyonehttp://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/2b000001b7/05)
        Time heals almost everything
        Don't compare my life to others, I have no idea what their journey is.
        Stop thinking toooo much, its OK not to know all the answers-- right now
        No one is in charge of my happiness but me.  So let them off the hook!
        Smile, smile, smile....I don't own all the challenges in this great world.      
       And   When looking for happiness- look inside, outside things may feel good
          for a while,  but then they may leave...or change....being  happy is an inside job.

       Just a few of my favorite sayings, I say every once in a while to myself
                  let me know yours.....

       Just Pondering on inspiration to me sayings.

       Rev Linda,   ENTC


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